Multi Purchase
In Unity, you only need to call this method to pay and the payment type will depend on the DzoSDK server.
In Unity, follow these steps.
Step 1: Regist callback (1 time only)
SDKAPI.multiPurchaseCallBack += (_result)=>{
Debug.Log(">>> MultiPurchase callback --- status: " + _result.status + " | errorCode: " + _result.errorCode + " | typePurchase: " + _result.typeMultiPurchase + " | money: " + + " | transactionID: " + _result.transactionID + " | sku: " + _result.sku + " | itemID: " + _result.itemID + " | roleID: " + _result.roleID + " | gameTransaction: " + _result.gameTransaction + " | lastHashID: " + _result.lastHashID + " | msg: " + _result.msg);
Step 2: Call method MultiPurchase
public static void MultiPurchase(string _sku, string _itemID, string _roleID, string _gameTransaction)
string _sku= "dzo_20k_vnd";
string _itemID = "item01"; // OPTIONAL
string _roleID = "user123456";
string _gameTransaction = "1234567"; // OPTIONAL
SDKAPI.MultiPurchase(_sku, _itemID, _roleID, _gameTransaction);
Type | Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Input | sku | string | Stock Keeping Unit of this item. Ex: “vn.dzogame.ts_sku_gold01” |
itemID | string | ID of Item in your game. Ex: “sword01” | |
roleID | string | UserID in in game. Ex: “User123456” | |
gameTransaction | string | Order code, transaction from the game. Ex: “10938093890130192830” | |
Result | typeMultiPurchase | int | 0: NOT_DEFINE 1: INAPP_PURCHASE 2: SCORE_PURCHASE 3: DZOVI_PURCHASE |
status | int | 0: Success -999: Process To Server SDK Error -997: Check Logic Error -996: Purchase Failed -99: Type In-App Purchase - Process To Store Error -98: Type In-App Purchase - Success_Payment_OtherAccount, -97: Type In-App Purchase - User Canceled | |
errorCode | int | Error code | |
msg | string | Message result payment | |
dzoOrderId | string | Dzo order ID | |
money | string | Price of item | |
gameTransaction | string | Order code, transaction from the game. Ex: “10938093890130192830 ” | |
transactionID | string | Purchase Transaction ID | |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Unit of this item | |
itemID | string | ID of Item in your game. Ex: “sword01” | |
roleID | string | UserID in in game. Ex: “User123456” | |
lastHashID | string | Last hashID Ex: “Dzo.123456789” |